Graphic Design

Is it enough to "get your name out there"?

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Keep Calm and Campaign Effectively

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We Have Given our Website a Re-Vamp!

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Door to door Distribution

Does door to door distribution work for Recruitment?

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Mr Flyer Sponsor Star Distributor in Iron Man Triathlon

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Marketing Category

Graphic Design, Marketing

Is it enough to "get your name out there"?

DISCLAIMER: This blog will take 3 minutes to read. If you only have 10 seconds, please scroll straight to the bottom.

Posted on May 18 2017


Keep Calm and Campaign Effectively

As you of course know, 3 days ago, Theresa May announced a general election to take place on 8th June. This has left politicians up and down the country with just 7 weeks to campaign for their seat. So, how are you going to convince your constituents to vote in your favour?

Posted on Apr 21 2017


We Have Given our Website a Re-Vamp!

After three years with the same website, we thought it best to improve things somewhat; especially as the service we offer and the advice we give has grown considerably since we originally commissioned Id30 to do our website. Read on to see the new features and updates we have done to help you benefit more from our website.

Posted on Feb 02 2017

Door to door Distribution, Marketing

Does door to door distribution work for Recruitment?

Recently while visiting a client he stated he would like to change the purpose of his campaigns from new work to more staff. It got me thinking; does leaflet distribution really help bring in new staff as well as new leads? To put this to the test we designed, printed and distributed our own recruitment flyers to help boost our number of distributors. This blog will show you how it went, and how you too can potentially benefit from it.

Posted on May 05 2016


Mr Flyer Sponsor Star Distributor in Iron Man Triathlon

I’m sure in your business, just like ours, you are always looking to reward exemplary staff. When one of our ‘super human’ distributor’s let us know about an incredible event he is partaking in this summer, it was an easy decision to give him full support. We are supporting one of our star employees in the Iron Man Triathlon in Bolton on 17th July 2016. We have paid the £400 registration fee for Dainius Imkaitis in order to secure his place in the event.

Posted on Feb 11 2016


Valentine’s Day, it’s not too late to boost business

Valentine’s day seems to come and go in an instant. However, in terms of generating a boost in business, it’s one of the key dates in the year for many businesses. There is still time to remind forgetful men to buy their gift and book the restaurant, and also of course time for women to give gentle hints to their men about what they would like!

Posted on Jan 21 2016


Is your business counting on Christmas?

Christmas has come around already. Shops have had Christmas items on display for weeks, ready for the more organised shoppers among us. We have boosted our capacity in both offices to cater for the surge in work for Christmas. Are you ready to build your business this Christmas? If so, the planning needs to start today…

Posted on Oct 27 2015


Easter: Fairytale or Fact?

What is the real meaning of Easter? Is it a time to simply eat lots of easter eggs? Are you like me, waiting for Easter Monday when eggs are half price at Thorntons? Do you make the special effort to go to church on Easter Sunday? This blog will remind you of the real meaning of Easter and why it can profoundly affect you.

Posted on Apr 02 2015

Door to door Distribution, Marketing

Estate & letting agents flyer distribution formula

Do you work for, or own your own estate or letting agency? Are you looking to increase local brand awareness? Are you targeting more prospective buyers, vendors, tenants and landlords? If you answered yes to the above then please read on to learn a specific formula we have used for many of our estate and letting agency clients, which is proven to give very strong response rates.

Posted on Feb 24 2015


Quantum Leap Or Plan, Cultivate And Harvest?

In todays society we want everything instantly – we join a gym and want to look like Schwarzenegger the next day, or we go on a diet and expect to lose a stone after one carb free meal. In the agrarian age they planted, then cultivated, and finally harvested. In todays world everyone wants to go straight from plant to harvest. This blog will show you how to get the most of your leaflet distribution campaigns with us using the right strategy.

Posted on Feb 23 2015


85 days until elections and counting

Leaflet distribution is a well used method of targeting voters. However you need to do more than just wander round your ward with your most loyal activists, a handful of leaflets and eagerly pose for a ‘selfie’ in the cold for your social media outlets. We are getting requests in for tens of thousands – if you want to win, you need to make sure enough people know about you and your benefits.

Posted on Feb 10 2015


Every good tree bears good fruit! So we are GROWING social!

Matt 7:17 "Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit." So we are growing social. There are many changes happening to the way Mr Flyer delivers its service. Our customers are so important to us and we take our customer feedback seriously. One way we are improving our service is the way we engage with our customers online. Read more..

Posted on Jan 13 2015